Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Check your ingredients: Part 1 - Parabens.

With a wealth of beauty counters, product ranges, miracle fixes, and new releases any girl looking to keep up with the latest beauty regimes and must-have products is easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice and jargon when looking to purchase beauty products.
These days it's difficult to open the page of a magazine or turn on the television without having drug brands trying to convince you that their new anti-fatigue, light reflecting, pore minimising, anti-ageing, illuminating, super-product will instantly rejuvenate your face and release your inner, air-brushed supermodel.
And we all believe it and off we march down to the high street, armed with our advantage card, without so much as a disgusted glance over our shoulder at last month's miracle product, sat half-used on our dresser.

On top of these wondrous claims and promises, we are also faced with the new brands of 'affordable' make-up coming onto the high street, aimed at those of us who realise and admit to having a teeny bit of a self-control problem when it comes to cosmetic buying and so therefore need to reign in our spending. How perfect, then, when along comes a brand who can offer items at £1 a piece?! It seems too good to be true!! And the truth is, that well, it is.

Because, you see, a lot of us aren't quite au-fait with the hydro-exyl-ethyl-methylene type ingredients lists on the back of these little pots, tubes and jars. We don't actually know what these scientific names really MEAN and instead just 'trust' these brands not to put us in any danger. We don't think too much about putting these products onto our skin day in, day out, nor that these ingredients are being absorbed into our bloodstream. Our bank balance rejoices at the minimal prices and so we are pleased with our purchases and think no more about it.

And it gets even sneakier! There are companies out there who have cottoned onto the more cautious buyer, who have built their branding on 'pure' or 'natural' images, to have us believe that we are making careful choices when in fact they are as 'pure' or 'natural' as the next chemical-loaded product. This sneaky trickery has been labelled 'green washing' and is a clever marketing ploy used by big companies to lead consumers to believe that they are buying 'eco/natural/green/organically-derived' products when in fact that are just as 'green' or 'eco' as the bottle of bleaching agents next to it.

There are a wealth of damaging, dangerous and totally nasty ingredients used by companies these days, but I am going to focus on a few of the biggies over the course of my next few blog posts.

My number one ingredient that I would urge all consumers to avoid are parabens. Parabens are synthetic preservatives used in cosmetics, skin care products, baby products, deodorants, toothpaste and a whole manner of other products (also including foods). Basically, if you are buying a product which is going to come into contact with your skin, check the ingredients lists for these little nasties.

Parabens can mimic oestrogen which can cause female cancers. In a recent study of breast cancer tumours, scientists discovered parabens in 99% of tumour samples (see article here:   http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/01January/Pages/parabens-in-breast-cancer-tissue-studied.aspx ). Separate research into the exposure of newborn male mammals to butylparaben showed that it “adversely affects the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male reproductive system.”. They are bad, bad, bad for you.

I have looked at the ingredients lists on some day-to-day products and compiled a small (and rather surprising in some instances) list below of the products which I found to contain parabens, which most people use/consume without even thinking that they may be harmful.
Also note that a lot of these products are labelled in such a way that you would believe them to be a conscientious choice...

Huggies *PURE* baby wet wipes - contain Methylparaben

The Body Shop cocoa butter - contains both Methylparaben and Propylparaben

Johnson & Johnson baby nappy cream - contains Methylparaben and Propylparaben

Simple *kind to skin* soothing facial toner - contains Methylparaben

Aussie 3 minute miracle - contains Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben (How many!!!!)

Garnier *Skin Naturals* Simply Essentials soothing cleansing lotion - contains Methylparaben

As for cosmetics, these can be a lot more difficult to investigate as most do not display a list of ingredients on the bottles / tubes / pots. Purely as an example, here is a link to the MUA Cosmetic line's own ingredients list, available freely on their website: http://www.muastore.co.uk/ingredients
See how many parabens you can spot?! Although, I will give them their due for publishing this as many cosmetics companies do not openly publicise their ingredients lists. Very naughty.

It is important to realise that spreading product after product across your skin day after day will undoubtedly transfer the ingredients into your body. If these ingredients are harmful, this is a very bad thing!!! Many women wear cosmetics for up to 14 - 16 hours a day, every day, therefore it is important that a) you know what you are putting onto your skin and b) whether it is good for you or not!

I would recommend looking at sites such as cutECOsmetics , Naturismo , GreenPeople and LoveLula if you are interested in buying truly 'green' and cruelty free cosmetics or skincare products.

I really hope that you found this post informative and would love to hear what your thoughts are on organic/eco-friendly beauty and skincare products.


1 comment:

  1. Organic Products are better to use as they are eco-friendly and safe. They do not cause any side-effect.
    Eco Friendly Beauty Products
