Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Perfect Pins xx

It's all getting rather festive out there now!! I've noticed an influx of sequins, glitter and all things sparkly gleaming and shining at me from various window displays!

I don't know about you, but for me Christmas is a time for donning my glitteriest, cutest party outfits, teetering about on ridiculous shoes and freezing various body parts off all in the name of yuletide fun!
Of course, prior to this there is a certain amount of preparation work to be done. My skin, if left to deteriorate into it's natural state over the winter period, would rival that of the uncooked turkey in my freezer.

So with this in mind, today I'm thinking about legs (mine, not the turkey's!).

The first, and most obvious choice, would be to go with tights. This saves any hassle of waxing, shaving, or (god forbid) epilating prior to donning our paper hats for a glass or two of Buck's Fizz. There are some pretty amazing options out there at the moment, with my all time favourite being some rather cute heart print suspender tights, available from various stores. My two faves are currently the ASOS version: and the Lipsy version which look a little more like knee-highs rather than suspenders: .

The 1940s/1950s are also having a bit of a moment, with a burlesque influence on a lot of today's fashion, so a decent pair a seamed tights won't go amiss this season. Try these Pamela Mann tights for a sexy seamed look: .

If you want to brave the cold and get your legs out, then there is some serious preparation work to be done. A tan is a MUST, grey/blue skin is not a good look. If money is no object when it comes to looking good, most decent spas worth their salt will currently be offering full body / lower body massages, to get the skin into peak condition. You can then opt for a wax, pedicure and a spray tan to complete the look and voila! You're done.

If, like me, you are instead opting to spend your yuletime salary on enough Baileys to sink the titanic, then spa prices just cannot be justified. I like to prep my pins a couple of nights before a big night out. First, run yourself a lovely, deep, hot bath and light a few scented candles. Don't forget to add a decent moisturising soak or oil. 'Lush' do some fab, cheap and cheerful products, my personal favourites are the butterball bath bomb and the chocolate face mask, both guaranteed to leave your skin beautifully soft and moisturised. 
After liberally applying a gorgeous face mask (to replenish your skin but also to scare away any children/husbands wandering into the bathroom wanting to disturb your relaxation time), de-fuzz your legs with a new razor blade. Disposables do a great job with winter hairgrowth. Then afterwards, use an exfoliating scrub, preferably with a body brush, to buff away any old cells and give your skin a smooth, firm appearance. I'd highly recommend that you invest in a body brush to exfoliate regularly while washing, you won't believe the good this will do for your skin. These can be picked up at most Boots/Superdrug/Sainsburys etc for under £10.

When you're finished in the bath, slather a generous amount of moisturiser all over yourself, including your face.

Here is a little gem of a tip. I have tried many moisturisers promising miracle results over time, but I have found the BEST body moisturiser by far, and best of all it's cheap as chips. Rather then paying through the nose for a wonderous cream which promises to give you the body of a 16 year old, visit the baby aisle in your local supermarket and pick up their own-brand version of baby lotion. Sainsburys charge a couple of quid for a huge bottle, it smells delicious and moisturises like a dream!! Slather on before bed then shower in the morning, and your skin will feel, look and smell fabulous!! Above all, this is unlikely to contain any severe chemical ingredients and so won't damage your skin for a 'quick fix' appearance. xx

If you want to use fake tan, I would advise waiting an hour or two after moisturising to allow the moisturiser to fully absorb. You can then either rinse the moisturiser off (though this won't give you the full benefit) or apply your tan over the top for a lighter, more natural result. I normally apply one layer of tan, a couple of nights before I go out, over my moisturiser. Then I apply another layer, onto clean skin with no moisturiser, the night before I go out. This way, I get an even, well moisturised appearance which doesn't look too over-done. I swear by Fake Bake self tanning mousse. But USE A MITT! These are only a couple of pounds from Superdrug but will make all the difference to your tan. Always try to apply your fake tan in the early evening and sleep in it, then wash it off in the morning. I'll be writing further tanning tips later on, so keep your eye on my blog for some fab tanning tricks.

Finally, on the night of your festive frolics, moisturise or slap some body oil onto your legs about an hour before leaving the house. Then after 10 or 15 minutes apply a layer of wash-off instant tan (about £5 from most Boots/Superdrug type stores. Boots' own brand '17' range is good) with a mitt, for a perfectly tanned pair of pins! This is also a good option if you don't want to use fake tan, but want a little bit of colour just for the night. 
Instant tan can be used all over the body and washes straight off, which is handy if you're expected in work the next day and don't want to look like you've commuted straight to the office from Barbados. (Do bear in mind though that a tan makes you look a bit healthier, handy if you're trying to disguise that dreaded office party hangover from the night before...just a thought!)

So now you have perfectly smooth, tanned sexy legs. Time to pop on your tallest killer heels - making sure of course that your pedicure is looking fabulous if they're open toed - and go knock 'em dead!!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the Pamela Mann tights. I'm a big fan of getting the pins out and making them look nice...despite being a curvier size 12, I know I have toned legs so like to show them off! Love the blog Rain, will add you to my blogroll on mine :)

    -Helen x
